From forests covering tens of thousands of square miles like the amazon rainforests to just a few trees in a city park or backyard, trees / forests provide a haven for diversified wildlife, are super conductors in converting CO2 into oxygen to sustain life and are the great protectors of soil erosion. However not all is well with the planet’s forests. They are under constant pressure from threats like mining, logging and farming.
The world’s forests being one of the most effective solutions to climate change and being home to 80% of all terrestrial wildlife are primarily unprotected and in many societies undervalued. Existing forests convert approximately 25% of all carbon that mankind releases in the air every year. Between 2000 and 2015 over 9% of the planet’s forests have been destroyed most notably the Amazon rainforests of South America.
It is why forest management is so key to protecting and expanding the world’s forest population. Forest Management key goals are wide ranging and include: soil conservation, fire management, the maintaining of terrestrial ecosystems covering wildlife and fish habitats.
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